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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Girls Will Be Boys: Why Women Should Drink Scotch

Ma'am, may I offer you a scotch?

Girls will be boys - so listen up ladies (and watch this video first), I am about to impart some much needed social knowledge.....
There are certain rules of engagement during a typical "executive dinner" that are, for the most part, unspoken. In my humble experience, I have only attented a few dinners of this nature while either tagging along with my dad in D.C., or while schmoozing through various gala events which basically meant I had to dress up and listen to some yahoo talking to me about the "market" or ferragamo loafers.

However little experience I may or may not have, I have learned one particularly important lesson, women: learn to like and drink copious amounts of scotch, and never, ever let anyone know you are actually drunk.

You may be asking yourself, why on earth should I teach myself to digest this caramel colored, funky-smelling, fire water? Ladies, don't fool yourself, scotch is definitely an acquired taste, and to save you time and energy I will outline why it is important to learn to drink like a man, and what types of said "man-drinks" to guide you on this power journey.